Bloom & Grow Iron 236ml
Bloom & Grow Iron 236ml
13 in stock
Bloom & Grow Iron 236ml
Aquatic Plant Supplement
Nitrate & Phosphate-Free
• Brings out vibrant color
• Helps prevent yellowing
• Nitrate and phosphate-free
MICROBE-LIFT/BLOOM & GROW Iron supplement is a highly concentrated (10,000 mg/L) ferrous iron (Fe2) gluconate. It should be used where additional iron is needed to prevent iron deficiency, or where signs of iron deficiency are present. This includes weak thin stems or yellowing between the veins of the leaf (chlorosis). Use together with other BLOOM & GROW™ plant supplements for healthy, lush plant growth.
Contains no phosphate or nitrate.
Shake Well Before Using
Dosage Rates
Use 1 tsp. (5 mL) per 50 gal. (189 L) as needed or required to maintain 0.10 mg/L iron. Use as needed to insure no signs of iron deficiency seen in new growth which include: chlorosis (yellowing) of tissue between veins.
4 fl. oz. Treats up to 1,180 gal. (4,466 L)
8 fl. oz. Treats up to 2,360 gal. (8,933 L)
16 fl. oz. Treats up to 4,730 gal. (17,904 L)
64 fl. oz. Treats up to 18,930 gal. (71,657 L)
• Keep out of the reach of children.
• Follow directions carefully.
This product is intended for use with all ornamental and aquarium fish, and may not be used with fish intended for human consumption.