Chromalif 473ml
Chromalif 473ml
62 in stock
Chromalif is a complex of aquacultured naturally-occurring phytoplankton. Particles rang in size from 5 to 25 microns. Providing a broad range for filter-feeding marine invertebrates. Contains essential amino and fatty acids, fiber, and high levels of carotenoids. May also be used to supplement and fortify live foods, such as rotifers, daphnia, and brine shrimp, as well as larval fishes and invertebrates. Contain no yeast or sugars.
Shake well immediatelly prior to use. Add 1 to 2 teaspoons per 50 gallons (1 teaspoon=5 ml) in an area of high water flow. Feed up to 3 times a week, depending on animal load. For beat results, see use and interaction section on opposite sidebar.
Chromalif is produced under controlled aquaculture environments and harvested under natural conditions, blended and packaged in our own laboratories.
Dunaliella sp. (6 million cells/ml)
Spirulina platensis ageitler (300,000 cells/ml)
Plantyminus sp. (60 million cells/ml)
Phaeodactyum tricornutum (20 million cells/ml)
Guaranted analysis
Crude protein >0.4%
Crude fat >0.2%
Crude fiber >1.0%
Moisture <96%
Ash <5%
Omega 3 fatty acids >0.02%
Keep out of the reach of children. Follow direction carefully. Avoid skin or eye contact. If contact happens, flush area thoroughly with cold water.