External Fish & Pond Pressurised Bio Filter + 18W UV-C
External Fish & Pond Pressurised Bio Filter + 18W UV-C
External Pond Pressurised Bio Filter with 18W UV -C Clarifier CPF-500 Upgraded Filter
This filter is designed to be used in conjunction with a water pump to clean and clarify your pond water. It can be used outside in the weather and even part buried in the ground. The UV clarifier is internally fitted and helps control algae and disease molecules in the water. The UV clarifier works by water flowing past an ultraviolet UVC light, as the water passes disease and algae are killed leaving your water even cleaner than standard filtration. The filter has bio sponge filtration as well as the UV-C.
Maximum 10 000l/h flow thru.
* UV clarifier controlling algae and disease.
* Biological Pressurised and mechanical filtration.
* Easy to Operate.
* Silent Operation.
* 1 year Warranty excluding Glass and UV-C Globe
Voltage: 240V 50Hz
UV-C Power: 18W
Dimensions: Approx 740mm high x 410 wide
Cable Length 5m
Filter Volume 20 liters
Filter surface area 40m²
Inlet and Outlet 3/4" to 1 1/2"
Flow indicator
Indicator when dirty and needs cleaning
Strainer Surface 40m square
Suitable for ponds with fish 10m3
Suitable for decorative ponds 30m3
Unit comes complete with all filter sponge, bio balls and 18W UV-C Globe included