Warner Marine ReefPure Coral Dip and Conditioner
Warner Marine ReefPure Coral Dip and Conditioner
SKU:SKU Coral Dip 1oz
Warner Marine ReefPure Coral Dip and Conditioner 1oz
ReefPure Coral Dip and Conditioner has been used from the beaches of the South Pacific to the livestock dealers around the world and is widely recognized as the most effective product of its type. ReefPure Coral Dip and Conditioner uses a combination of anti-microbial and oxidative properties to safely prepare corals for placement in the aquarium. Warner Marine Research introduced Lugol's Solution to the hobby back in 1996 as an exciting new product achieving phenomenal results. Lugol's Solution was originally conceived as a useful product for assisting damaged corals and conditioning newly imported specimens. In fact, in 1997 the hobby was in a state of panic as a large number of stony corals were being imported with a fatal coral condition known as RTN (Rapid Tissue Necrosis) and Lugol's Solution was the recommended treatment until Warner Marine Research developed ReefPure Coral Dip and Conditioner which has become the current state of the art coral import and export conditioner